Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fighting Writer's block

As an author I suffer from (and I’m sure most authors have experienced at some point)…writer’s block. Here are a few ways to fight it off when it attacks.

1.      Write in a new setting.

 A new surrounding doesn’t have to be exotic, it can be a park, library even a train. When I hit a complete wall with my new story I thought I couldn’t get past it. So just for the heck of it I brought my draft everywhere with me. While waiting during an errand I ended up writing nearly the entire first chapter!

2.      Create a story bible.

Technically you probably should create a story bible first, though I’m sure all of you don’t create a story bible when you first get the idea for a story. How does this battle writer’s block? Writing the details of your character’s personality, traits and goals as well as the setting helps you get a better grasp on the story you are writing. As a result doing this may help you map out the plot for your story.

3.      Use writing prompts.

Writing prompts can be as simple as “the man opened the door and what she was….” Using writing prompts to create short stories can ward off writer’s block by kicking your creative process back into gear. I’ve written a few short stories using writing prompts (some which I may post on this blog). You can even use writing prompts in the story you are currently working on.

4.      Read other stories.

Yes it really can help. Many authors (including yourself) are inspired by other author’s works. Writing is an art so just as a visual artist or musician may be invoked to create a original painting or song by looking or listening to a fellow artists work. A writer may do the same.