Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Blog Update !!

Hello readers its been a long time since I've updated here. I've been working on a few projects and figured I tell you about what I've been working on lately.

    I have just finished three stories one flash fiction, one micro fiction (100 words or less) and a short short fiction (less than 200 words). See a pattern? I've been challenging myself with writing extremely short stories. Look out for more news on these stories in the near future.
   I've also recently began writing music reviews again! I have been a music reviewers (and also interviewer) for many years until a went into a five year hiatus. So I am now a music reviewer at dj2thirteen. My profile name is J.Ro go check it out!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fighting Writer's block

As an author I suffer from (and I’m sure most authors have experienced at some point)…writer’s block. Here are a few ways to fight it off when it attacks.

1.      Write in a new setting.

 A new surrounding doesn’t have to be exotic, it can be a park, library even a train. When I hit a complete wall with my new story I thought I couldn’t get past it. So just for the heck of it I brought my draft everywhere with me. While waiting during an errand I ended up writing nearly the entire first chapter!

2.      Create a story bible.

Technically you probably should create a story bible first, though I’m sure all of you don’t create a story bible when you first get the idea for a story. How does this battle writer’s block? Writing the details of your character’s personality, traits and goals as well as the setting helps you get a better grasp on the story you are writing. As a result doing this may help you map out the plot for your story.

3.      Use writing prompts.

Writing prompts can be as simple as “the man opened the door and what she was….” Using writing prompts to create short stories can ward off writer’s block by kicking your creative process back into gear. I’ve written a few short stories using writing prompts (some which I may post on this blog). You can even use writing prompts in the story you are currently working on.

4.      Read other stories.

Yes it really can help. Many authors (including yourself) are inspired by other author’s works. Writing is an art so just as a visual artist or musician may be invoked to create a original painting or song by looking or listening to a fellow artists work. A writer may do the same.




Thursday, May 15, 2014

I'm Back

Wow. Its been almost two years since I first posted on this blog. It was a depressing post at that, lamenting on the loss of the entire first draft of my novel. Since then after attempting to rewrite that lost tale (and suffering from serious writer's block), I've placed that story on hiatus and began a new one.So for the last two years I have been working on the new story as well as a few short ones. I will be posting about my writing process and the techniques as well as resources that have and still are helping me on my writing journey. Please look forward to it!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Starting over......

It's a writer's worst nightmare... to have a story almost finished, years and years of corrections and rewrites and finally you're almost towards the end until the computer crashes. The hard copy you can find is the beginning of the book, everything else you wrote was on the computer when you were on a roll. You regret not printing out a hard copy every so many chapters. So you may move on to other stories and projects. Then it hits you, you really loved that story, despite the fact that you lost almost all of it. You may not remember what exactly happened page by page but you can rewrite it. This time the story could even be better than the original (positive thinking!). So you start over this time creating a new and great story.

P.S. Also making sure to update your hard copy every so many chapters